South57 Recruitment


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Archives March 2024

What to expect when driving on rural roads

Roads come in all shapes and sizes! And at times, LGV drivers will find themselves faced with driving on VERY rural roads! Roads like this can be very different from motorways – here’s what to expect when driving on rural roads.

The roads can be narrow! Narrow roads can make it difficult to see around corners and to pass oncoming traffic safely. And sometimes narrow roads can be deceptively so! Take it slow and use your height as a benefit to see over bushes where possible.

Subsidence. Rural roads are often the victim of less maintenance and given they are in less built up areas over time roads will subside, leading to potholes and uneven surfaces. Try to stay away from the edges of rural roads where possible but thankfully for most LGVs general potholes and uneven surfaces won’t cause too much trouble.

Mud. Oh yes! As rural roads are often used by tractors and other farming vehicles they’ll often pull mud onto the road, leaving surfaces slippery. In poor weather conditions take extra care when driving across muddy surfaces.

Lack of lighting and road marks. Rural roads have far fewer road markings and lighting than most urban roads and motorways, so be aware of this and stay alert when driving at night.

For more information about our latest driving jobs, or to find out how South 57 Recruitment can support your business, contact us on 0333 344 6845 or [email protected].

How to secure that promotion

We all want to do well at work and for most a promotion is the first step to new development and better financial security. But how can employees better their chances for promotion?

Think strategy. A promotion doesn’t necessarily mean working “harder” or longer hours. Employees should more consider how to work smarter to ensure they are working to their full efficiency, and in turn, think about how a company can work efficiently.

Who’s your inspiration? If you’re stuck on where to start, think about those who have been promoted before you, and how they made their mark.

Just ask! Ask managers for feedback on your work and for suggestions on how you can improve. If you don’t ask, how else are you supposed to know how to improve?

Don’t forget the team! Whilst working to improve yourself and your way of working, apply what you learn to working in your team – companies work better when there’s good collaboration!

For more information about our latest vacancies, or to find out how South57 Recruitment can support your business, contact us on 0333 344 6845 or [email protected]

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